Next Steps

Everyone Has A Next Step

Are you looking for a place to belong? People to grow alongside and make a difference in the world? Friendships that could change your life? We invite you to explore St. John Lutheran – find your next step – and discover the meaningful ways that Jesus will shape you in order to bless others.

Meet A Pastor

We’d love to get to know you better over a cup of coffee. Really. Whether you have attended for a while or are brand new, we would love to hear your story, answer any questions about the church, and tell you a little about us. Fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly.


This is where it all begins. The New Member Welcome Event is a quarterly gathering to help you and your family connect with Jesus and the St. John Lutheran family. We’ll sit around tables and enjoy some good food. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with a variety of people who make up the SJL family and hear how connecting to Jesus and the SJL family has changed their lives. Reserve your seat and we’ll be in touch with you about the upcoming date.


Baptism is not simply a splash of water. It is the applying of water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Through Baptism, the Holy Spirit brings forgiveness of sins, faith in Jesus Christ, and eternal salvation. Baptism is not something we do for God; it is something God does for us.

[Jesus said,] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Reading the Bible

We believe the Bible is completely true. From front to back, the Bible shows us Jesus. He is the answer to the brokenness and hurt in this world. He is the hope in times of despair. He is the light in our darkness. He the One who rescues us from sin and death through His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. In these words, our Lord shapes our lives and motivates us for a life of service to our community in need of Him.

Serving Together

At St. John, we take our cues for serving others from Jesus Christ. He is the one who, in a single sentence, sums up the value of being available to others: “I came not to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28).

Daily you will notice ways to extend a helping hand to your neighbor next door, around the block, or through countless St. John channels.

Kids & Family

God loves kids and wants them to know Him. At St. John Lutheran, we value children and families, connecting kids, and partnering with parents so they can be the primary teachers of the faith to their kids. Check out all the different ways we get to communicate Jesus’ love for children.

Weddings & Marriage

Marriage is one of the greatest gifts from God. Our pastors and staff want to help you as you prepare for your big day.