Gathered in His Name

2024-2025 Emphasis
2024-2025 Emphasis

In the hurry, distraction, and noise of the modern world, few things are more difficult, or more rewarding, than developing a life of prayer.

The ultimate aim is not to pray more or pray better. Rather, our goal is to live each day more and more aware of and to deeply connect with our Father, to be transformed into the likeness of His Son, Jesus, and to be filled with the fullness of His Spirit to do what He has made us to do in the world.

We will be a people of prayer – always adoring, always confessing, always thanking, always asking.

Our Dream

This school year, we want to cultivate the habit of prayer, living our lives in constant connection with God. Our dream is that as we live this way, our lives, our congregation, and our city will be transformed – for the sake of Jesus.

Plan to study the prayers of Bible characters, meditate upon the greatest of prayers (the Lord’s Prayer), become confident in writing/speaking prayers, and wrestling with your doubts and disappointments about prayer. We pray that the Lord would make us a people of prayer who carry His name in all that we do.

Teaching Video

God will be teaching us how we should pray. He’ll form us to become like Him and partner with Him in the world.

Small Groups

We want to gather during the week, at homes and around the table, to be the people of Jesus in our neighborhoods.

Praying For You

We’re spending time praying for each other, building friendships, and share our hope and joy in Jesus. Join us in prayer.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17